/TTJets_MSDecays_matchingdown_mt172_5_7TeV-madgraph/Summer11LegDR-PU_S13_START53_LV6-v1/AODSIM, CMS collaboration
Cite as: CMS collaboration (2016). Simulated dataset TTJets_MSDecays_matchingdown_mt172_5_7TeV-madgraph in AODSIM format for 2011 collision data (SM Systematic Variations). CERN Open Data Portal. DOI:10.7483/OPENDATA.CMS.448D.ZHNC
Dataset Simulated Standard Model Physics Top physics CMS 7TeV pp CERN-LHC
Simulated dataset TTJets_MSDecays_matchingdown_mt172_5_7TeV-madgraph in AODSIM format for 2011 collision data (SM Systematic Variations)
See the description of the simulated dataset names in: About CMS simulated dataset names.
These simulated datasets correspond to the collision data collected by the CMS experiment in 2011.
These data were generated in several steps (see also CMS Monte Carlo production overview):
Step LHE
Release: CMSSW_5_3_26
Global Tag: START53_LV4::All
Configuration file for LHE step TOP-Summer11LegwmLHE-00025_1_cfg.py
for LHE
Output dataset: /TTJets_MSDecays_matchingdown_mt172_5_7TeV-madgraph/Summer11LegwmLHE-START53_LV4-v1/GEN
Note: To get the exact generator parameters, please see Finding the generator parameters.
Step SIM
Release: CMSSW_5_3_27
Global Tag: START53_LV4::All
Generators: madgraph madspin
Configuration file for SIM step TOP-Summer11Leg-00041_1_cfg.py
for SIM
Output dataset: /TTJets_MSDecays_matchingdown_mt172_5_7TeV-madgraph/Summer11Leg-START53_LV4-v1/GEN-SIM
Release: CMSSW_5_3_28
Global Tag: START53_LV6::All
Configuration file for HLT step BPH-Summer11LegDR-00019_1_cfg.py
for HLT
Configuration file for RECO step BPH-Summer11LegDR-00019_2_cfg.py
for RECO
Output dataset: /TTJets_MSDecays_matchingdown_mt172_5_7TeV-madgraph/Summer11LegDR-PU_S13_START53_LV6-v1/AODSIM
To make these simulated data comparable with the collision data, pile-up events are added to the simulated event in this step.
The pile-up dataset is:
The generation and simulation of simulated Monte Carlo data has been validated through general CMS validation procedures.
You can access these data through the CMS Virtual Machine. See the instructions for setting up the Virtual Machine and getting started in
These open data are released under the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal license.
Neither the experiment(s) ( CMS ) nor CERN endorse any works, scientific or otherwise, produced using these data.
This release has a unique DOI that you are requested to cite in any applications or publications.