ATLAS collaboration
Cite as: ATLAS collaboration (2024). ATLAS DAOD_PHYSLITE format MC simulation Higgs systematic variation samples. CERN Open Data Portal. DOI:10.7483/OPENDATA.ATLAS.J3U3.RIMC
Dataset Simulated Higgs Physics Standard Model ATLAS 13TeV pp CERN-LHC Parent Dataset: DAOD_PHYSLITE format 2015-2016 Open Data for Research from the ATLAS experiment
MC simulation Higgs systematic variation samples from the ATLAS experiment
DAOD_PHYSLITE format 2015-2016 Open Data for Research from the ATLAS experiment
These data were created during LS2 as part of a major reprocessing campaign of the Run 2 data. All data were reprocessed using Athena Release 22, and new corresponding MC simulation samples were produced, in an MC simulation campaign called MC20a. These data and MC simulation datasets were processed into DAOD_PHSYLITE format files; this is a light-weight data format intended for general analysis use, sufficient to support a wide variety of ATLAS analyses.
The data and MC simulation provided by the ATLAS experiment in DAOD_PHYSLITE format is released under a CC0 license; citation of the data and acknowledgement of the collaboration is requested. This format can be used directly like a ROOT ntuple (or using uproot) for simple studies or processed into secondary ntuples with systematic uncertainties included using the ATLAS AnalysisBase software.
Extensive instructions for interacting with the data, as well as documentation of the dataset naming conventions and their contents, are provided on the ATLAS Open Data website linked below. Designing and implementing a research-quality data analysis is a complex process that requires an understanding of particle physics; for those new to the subject, the open data designed for education (also linked below) might be a good starting point. Please be sure to cite the Open Data that you use, in line with the policy below.
Resources to understand and use the open data for research
ATLAS Analysis Software Tutorial
These open data are released under the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal license.
Neither the experiment(s) ( ATLAS ) nor CERN endorse any works, scientific or otherwise, produced using these data.
This release has a unique DOI that you are requested to cite in any applications or publications.