Geiser, Achim ; Dutta, Irene ; Hirvonsalo, Harri ; Sheeran, Bridget
Cite as: Geiser, Achim; Dutta, Irene; Hirvonsalo, Harri; Sheeran, Bridget; (2016). Validation code for 2010 MinimumBias dataset, based on track and vertex spectra. CERN Open Data Portal. DOI:10.7483/OPENDATA.CMS.GBZR.7F2A
Software Validation CMS CERN-LHC
This code for validation and benchmarking of the MinimumBias dataset is set up at Research level, i.e. it requires university-student-level programming experience. Minimal acquaintance with Linux and the ROOT analysis package ( as well as a basic text editor is needed. Note that the code in this category is not meant to be a pedagogical example but is a validation tool.
The default output of the code below is a ROOT file Mu00val.root
Use this with 2010 MinimumBias primary dataset (see detailed instructions in readme.txt and code).
Only the list of validated runs are accepted:
CMS list of validated runs Cert_136033-149442_7TeV_Apr21ReReco_Collisions10_JSON_v2.txt
If you do not have the CERN Virtual Machine for 2010 CMS data installed, follow the instructions in step 1 at How to install a CERN Virtual Machine. Then install and run the Demo (demo analyzer) program following the instructions at How to Test & Validate.
To run the MinimumBias sample validation, follow the instructions in the file readme.txt or follow the instructions in the github repository.
GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3