LHCb collaboration
Cite as: LHCb collaboration (2023). LHCb 2012 Beam4000GeV MagDown BHADRONCOMPLETEEVENT Stream Stripping21. CERN Open Data Portal. DOI:10.7483/OPENDATA.LHCB.RWPG.2RU5
Dataset Collision LHCb 8TeV pp CERN-LHC
Data from proton-proton (pp) collisions collected by the LHCb experiment in the year 2012 of Run1 of the LHC.
This dataset was created in several production steps. These steps, software used and the configuration is provided below.
Prod ID: 41836
Prod type: Merge
Parent Prod ID: 41835
Parent Prod type: DataStripping
List of Trigger Configuration Keys (TCK):
TCK Number of Files
0x7e003a 9
0x860040 54
0x7f0040 4
0x8c0040 587
0x94003d 747
0x95003d 13
0x97003d 1024
0x990042 1406
0x990044 821
0xa90046 549
0xa30044 1176
0xa30046 80
0xab0046 477
0xac0046 830
0xad0046 13
0x8e0040 4
Step Stripping21
Release: DaVinci.v36r1p1 AppConfig.v3r274 Det/SQLDDDB.v7r10
Step Stripping21-Merging
Release: DaVinci.v36r1 AppConfig.v3r203 Det/SQLDDDB.v7r10
The data collected by the LHCb detector is available in .DST and .mDST formats. The data files can be explored using LHCb software but it is best to write the relevant columns to ROOT Tuples or preferred data format.
Instructions for exploring a DST and writing out ROOT tuples are available in LHCb Starterkit below. For "tupling" jobs, software called DaVinci is mainly used within LHCb, its documentation is also available bellow.
These open data are released under the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal license.
Neither the experiment(s) ( LHCb ) nor CERN endorse any works, scientific or otherwise, produced using these data.
This release has a unique DOI that you are requested to cite in any applications or publications.